India’s first Drone Forensic Lab comes up in Kerala

Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister, has said that the widespread use of drones for espionage, smuggling contraband goods, and anti-national activities like terrorism poses a set of challenges to the Police and other security agencies. Kerala Police gives priority to overcome these challenges successfully, he added.  He was inaugurating the Police Drone Forensic Lab and Research Centre in Thiruvananthapuram.

The system, which comes under Cyberdome, will have all capabilities for conducting forensic analysis on any drone or parts of drones recovered from any area and retrieve background information. It will also provide details of the drone’s memory, software, hardware, and navigation. Chief Minister said that the Kerala Police intends to develop its own drones for law and order and crowd control management.

Anil Kant, State Police Chief, K Padmakumar, ADGP, Manoj Abraham, ADGP and Cyberdome Nodal Officer, P Prakash, DIG, and other Senior Police Officers were also present at the function held at SAP Parade Ground, Peroorkada. An exhibition of drones and an air show were also organized.

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